Tuesday, 2 September 2008


Well, what a frustrating day, week and month we've had. It really is incredulous to me that offering money to charity is such a complicated and difficult process. My frustrations with the current situation are becoming harder to hide, so thought I'd just blog it.

One charity have made it so difficult to raise money for that continuing the partnership may become impossible. Time is ticking, and they are still putting up obsticles. We have jumped through enough hoops already I feel.

With that in mind, Wes and I have been opening up discussion with another. We met them today, and in all honesty I was pretty disapointed. I just expect that charities would be grateful to be offered support from such a unique event. However, things are never that simple.

Understandably, they need to work out what support they would need to give us (primarily it's PR support we need) then they need to work out if they can afford to free up that support and if they will get a suitable return on investment.

This all takes time, but in taking time it heaps more pressure on Wes and I. It really is disappointing how slowly these things move. The very nature of what we're trying to achieve, essentially working in our spare time, means we have to be dynamic, siezing opportunities and moving fast.

Anyway, enough moaning, it wouldn't be a challenge if it was all straight forward, and I know that a solution is in sight. I just hope it comes really soon!!


Curry said...

Everything always works out alright in the end. If it's not alright...it's not the end.

Zooby said...

Nothing of worth is ever easy. If it were easy, it wouldn't be worth it. (And other such platitudes).

But seriously, hang on in there my brother, and I'm sure someone will accept our charity with as willingly as we are wanting to give it.

tooveseverest said...

stop whingeing kirt and hurry up and single-handedly organise this trip for me please.